It’s All About The Kingdom
In the New Testament, the word kingdom used 126 times,
The phrase “Kingdom of God” is used 53 times in the gospels,
The phrase Kingdom of Heaven is used 32 times (all in Matthew***)
In comparison:
Born again -2 times; Salvation – 6 times; Saved – 20 times; Grace – 4 times; Baptism – 20 times; Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost – 26 times
It was the first message Jesus preached when he started his ministry.
It was also the last message scripture records Jesus preaching
It was also John the Baptist first and only message?
Jesus preached the same message everywhere he went
This is also the sole message he instructed his disciples to preach
This one seals it.. Jesus actually said this is why he came
Scriptures: See notes
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