It's All About the Kingdom Of God

It’s All About The Kingdom

  1. Understanding the Kingdom
    1. The importance of the Kingdom (Jesus Primary Message). Jesus preached and taught about the Kingdom more than any other subject. His emphasis on this message is clear: preaching the same message wherever he went, commanding his disciples to preach the same message, and after his resurrection, continuing to teach the same primary message: The Kingdom of God. Matthew: 4:17; 10:7; Mark 1:14/15; Luke 4:43; 9:2; 9:11; Acts 1:3
    2. The Relevance of the Kingdom (Salvation and the Kingdom): Jesus taught something most churches do not teach, that salvation is not the end, nor the goal/destination (neither was heaven). He taught that salvation was a necessary means to another end, namely the Kingdom of God (John 3:3)
    3. The Simplicity of the Kingdom (The Renewed Covenant): Because salvation is not the end nor the destination, the message should be just what Jesus said…”Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand”. But who do we repent to? Religion has made this act “religious – rules, regulations, doctrines. The simplicity of the kingdom message is you repent to the King. You will be surprised he does not have a rap sheet on you. He loves you. You are his beloved creation. Don’t seek to be religious, seek to renew your covenant with the King. Only 3 rules in the Kingdom: 1. Love God (The King) with your heart, soul, everything; 2. Love your neighbor (everyone); 3. Love yourself (Ideally before you try to love your neighbor). Matthew 22:36-40;
    4. The Abundant Life of the Kingdom (Find your pasture): Jesus said I am the door, you will come through me (salvation); you will go in (where?) and you will go out (what?) and you will find pasture (what is that?). What was Jesus talking about? It was the kingdom. After salvation, you (go in) enter the Kingdom; (go out) begin to live in the Kingdom; and find pasture – abundant life. It’s a mystery: we live in his Kingdom, follow his will as King over us; yet we are sons and daughters of the King = Abundant life.

Jesus Primary Message: The Kingdom Of God

In the New Testament, the word kingdom used 126 times,

The phrase “Kingdom of God” is used 53 times in the gospels,

The phrase Kingdom of Heaven is used 32 times (all in Matthew***)

In comparison:

Born again -2 times; Salvation – 6 times;  Saved – 20 times; Grace – 4 times; Baptism – 20 times; Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost – 26 times


It was the first message Jesus preached when he started his ministry.

It was also the last message scripture records Jesus preaching

It was also John the Baptist first and only message?

Jesus preached the same message everywhere he went

This is also the sole message he instructed his disciples to preach

This one seals it.. Jesus actually said this is why he came

Scriptures: See notes


Kingdom Living

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